Wednesday, October 31, 2012

N.Y.'s Bellevue Hospital evacuating hundreds

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York's Bellevue Hospital Center, which has been operating on backup generators since the massive storm Sandy took out power across parts of the city, is being evacuated, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said on Wednesday.

About 500 patients are affected by the evacuation of the city hospital located near the East River in Manhattan, but not in the worst part of Manhattan's flooded areas.

Several area hospitals have been contacted about the evacuation and are coordinating efforts to take on some Bellevue patients, including The Mount Sinai Hospital and St Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center.

"We learned this morning that Bellevue will now have to evacuate because of damage that it has sustained," Bloomberg told a news conference.

"They didn't think the damage was that bad and they had a generator going. But the bottom line is when they got into the basement they realized there was more damage. This is going to affect something like 500 patients," Bloomberg said.

Outside Bellevue, a long line of ambulances waited to ferry patients to other medical centers.

A handful of other New York hospitals had already been evacuated due to the storm that caused record flooding around the city.

New York University's Langone Medical Center near the city's East River was previously forced to evacuate all 215 of its patients, including critically ill infants, when its backup generator failed after some eight feet of water flooded its basement.

The Manhattan Veteran Affairs Hospital and the New York Downtown Hospital, both in low-lying areas of lower Manhattan, evacuated patients before the storm hit, and Brooklyn's Coney Island Hospital near the Atlantic Ocean beaches was later evacuated.

The mayor said the process of finding beds for evacuated patients was underway.

A spokeswoman for New York Presbyterian Hospital said it was accepting transfers from Bellevue, but was unsure of just how many. It had already taken in patients from three other evacuated medical centers, including NYU Langone.

Jarron Franklyn, 28, who works in Bellevue's rehabilitation department said: "The power is down and we have flooding in the basement." He said a back-up generator was still running.

A New York Police Department spokesman said National Guard members were assisting with the Bellevue evacuation.

Dennis Jiosne, 34, a patient from Point Pleasant New Jersey, was evacuated by stairs from the hospital's 16th floor. He said there were National Guardsmen in the stair well passing people food and water.

Jiosne, who was being treated for a septic ulcer, said the power went out two days ago and that there had been no running water in his room, but he appeared to be taking it all in stride.

"In my unit it really wasn't bad, aside from the plumbing and the food," he said. "I'm a pretty resilient guy. I was content in my room. The lack of television was an inconvenience."

(Reporting by Paul Thomasch, Bill Berkrot, Michael Erman; and Anna Sussman; Editing by Jackie Frank and David Gregorio)


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Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?

Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project


Quote of the Week: ?It is in the admission of ignorance and the admission of uncertainty that there is a hope for the continuous motion of human beings in some direction that doesn?t get confined, permanently blocked, as it has so many times before in various periods in the history of man.? Richard Feynman [H/t Roger Cohen]


Number of the Week: 70%



By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)

APS: In 2007 the American Physical Society (APS) issued an absolutist statement on Climate Change that greatly disturbed a number of its senior fellows. In 2009, about 300 physicists petitioned the APS petitioned to modify the statement. The statement was not modified, but augmented with a lengthy addition. The turmoil continues. Roger Cohen, a Fellow of the Society has posted on the web site of Anthony Watts his expression of dissatisfaction with the APS. This has led to an exchange with Warren S. Warren. The exchange is an excellent read on what is wrong when a few in a science society take an absolutist position concerning a subject that requires open investigation and debate. Please see links under APS Frontline.


PBS Frontline: The Public Broadcasting System aired a special on its ?Frontline? series titled ?Climate of Doubt.? The first part consisted of interviews and clips of those who express skepticism to the view that human emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), especially carbon dioxide (CO2), are causing unprecedented and dangerous global warming. This was followed by interviews with alarmists who were presented as the mainstream scientists. Certainly the alarmists are mainstream in that they are the ones who receive extensive government support. Later, in private comments, Fred Singer thought his interview was well presented, especially when compared with presentations in the past. The views of others varied. Roy Spencer was disturbed because part of his head and comments were used in the trailer, but he was not interviewed for the program.

Perhaps more revealing of the entire episode was a Live Chat on Thursday afternoon with those who organized the program. They were the film?s producer, Catherine Upin, the correspondent, John Hockenberry, and the ?resident expert?, Elizabeth Kolbert, of the New Yorker. Prior to the chat, SEPP submitted three questions on topics covered. One was the frequently cited 97 to 98% percent of climate scientists ?consensus? claims, which are based on extensively manipulated of opinion polls, making the results trivial. The second was on the recent statement from HadCRU that there has been no appreciable increase in temperatures for 16 years, a period in which the models project an increase of about 0.3 deg C (over 0.5 deg F). What would it take for journalists to realize there are major problems with the climate models and the 90 to 99% certainty is based on opinion not rigorous science? The third question focused on the constant, largely unsubstantiated claims that oil companies are funding skeptics and the failure of journalists to report the extent of government funding of the alarmists.

During the Live Chat, SEPP submitted four comments. One on the burden of proof ? climate alarmists have not performed adequate testing of a hypothesis on CO2 caused global warming. A second challenging a statement that the poll appearing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science was peer reviewed, but it is trivial nonetheless. The third comment challenged the ?resident expert? Elizabeth Kolbert who stated: ?A very interesting look at the connections between the tobacco industry and the climate ?skeptic? industry can be found in the book Merchants of Doubt.? The response challenged Ms. Kolbert to read and comment on Fred Singer?s rebuttal to this book?s ad hominem attacks.

But most revealing was a comment by correspondent John Hockenberry:

?The saddest thing about this story is that we heard mostly absolute certainty and dismissive confidence among our skeptic friends while it was our scientist friends were quick to say that doubt is how science is conducted, people questioning each other?s work all the time. The doubt of the scientists was always real but was always about how much we know about the planet and need to know not about the trend of global warming.

Their search for truth and quest to challenge each other?s findings was exploited as ?debate? and ?uncertainty? by people in the political world. In some ways the scientists didn?t have a chance in this battle? but that is my personal opinion and some of our scientists would not have agreed with me.?

To which SEPP inquired: did you ever ask the climate establishment scientists why the IPCC declared a 90 to 99% certainty in the models and their findings? The 90 to 99% certainty was in the EPA endangerment finding and was accepted by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia.

Given the slow pace, and the long pauses in the program, it was obvious tough questions of these global warming / climate change expert journalists would not be aired. Also, it was apparent the opinion polls weigh heavily on these expert journalists.

The saddest thing about this story is the blatant irresponsibility of PBS to understand the story. Please see links under PBS Frontline.


ADDENDUM: Months ago Patrick Michaels announced he and a few collogues are preparing a point by point rebuttal to the report by the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP): Global Climate Change Impacts in the US (2009). Along with the 2007 report be the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a report by National Research Council, the USGCRP report provide the foundation for the EPA questionable finding that GHG, particularly CO2, emissions endanger human life and welfare. Now alarmists are outraged that the advance copies of the new report, ADDENDUM: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States looks like the previous report. The CATO imprint on the back cover is apparently overlooked by the alarmists. Please see link under Challenging the Orthodoxy.


US Overtaking Saudi Arabia in Oil? Some analysts are projecting that the US will overtake Saudi Arabia in oil production in the near future ? around 2020. Others object to these statements stating they are based on statistical sleights of hand. Whether or not the US (or North America) overtakes Saudi Arabia is not that important. What is important is that thanks to modern hydraulic fracturing of dense shale and offshore drilling (whenever permitted), oil production in the US is expanding greatly. Since production costs in the US remain high, there is doubt if the era of ?cheap oil? will return in the near future. Oil is traded on the global market, and US production influences that market but does not determine it. The lower cost producers that have significant capability of expanding are more influential determinants, such as Saudi Arabia.

Some economists are questioning the belief that affordable energy is vital for economic growth. Certainly, affordable energy is not a sufficient condition for economic growth. That is, other conditions, or components, are needed. For example, oil is heavily subsidized in Egypt and Iran, but they are not experiencing significant growth. But under proper conditions, affordable energy can promote growth. For example, affordable energy is vital to modern agriculture. Modern fertilizers need oil or natural gas feedstock. Areas of the US where natural gas is low cost and appears to be affordable for a long term are experiencing significant growth, which the country as a whole is not.

External costs are other complications added by economists to the issue. Sometimes these are real, such as in cities in the US in the 20s. But, economic growth allowed the country to devote significant resources to clean up these external costs. Now, in the US external costs are largely exaggerated, such as by the EPA. Please see links Energy Issues ? US and Articles # 2 and # 3.


EPA on the Verge: A number of commentators, including Fred Singer, are expressing concern about the plans of EPA immediately after the election on November 6. It is clear that EPA has held back proposed regulations that are highly controversial. Please see Article #1, #3 and #5, and links under EPA and other Regulators on the March


Oh? Mann: Michael Mann has sued the National Review Online and the Competitive Enterprise Institute for defamation and ?intentional infliction of emotional distress.? (from the Washington Post.). The complaint states that: ?? Mr. Man and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.? and ?? personal defamation of a Nobel prize recipient.?

The award was given to the IPCC, not personally to Mr. Mann, who was a participant in the IPCC. Some may consider the distinction to be just a technicality, just as some consider the body of research on climate history that was buried Mr. Mann?s hockey-stick as just a technicality. Mr. Mann may find that he will face questions that are a bit more strident than asked by the Penn State officials who he claims exonerated his research. Please see links under Oh Mann!


Storm?s A?coming: According to forecasts, the Mid-Atlantic States are about to be hit by a large storm with low category 1 hurricane winds. (Category 1 wind speed 75?95 mph (65?82 kts, 33?42 m/s), The moon is almost full, so tidal areas may experience a strong storm surge on top of spring (flood) tides which could result in significant coastal erosion and flooding. Already some alarmists are associating the storm with global warming / climate change. Please see links under Changing Weather and Below the Bottoms Line.


Amplifications and Corrections: Tom Sheahen correctly stated that the conversion for PgC/yr to Billions of tonnes of CO2 per year is by multiplying by 3.67. TWTW left out the Billions.

Clyde Spencer correctly suggested that TWTW should not use the term ocean acidity unless the pH is actually below 7. This will be followed to the extent possible.

Norman Kalmanovitch pointed out that the period of no warming in the HadCRU data, as stated in the article by David Rose, started in the year the Kyoto Protocol became effective, 1997. The goal of the Protocol was to stop global warming and it did! If one jumps to causal relationships, one could state the Kyoto Protocol was the most effective international agreement ever.

TWTW incorrectly quoted Angeline Purdy of the Department of Justice as stating: ?The models have been validated.? The quote came from imperfect personal notes. A subsequent check of the transcript (which is not available on the web) failed to reveal such a direct statement. Ms. Purdy argued that the models have been validated, at length, but did not make such as simple statement. TWTW will endeavor not to make such a mistake in the future.


Number of the Week: 70%. According to an article in the Wall Street Journal, in the US the cost of natural gas is about 70% of the cost of manufacturing nitrogen fertilizer. As the cost of this component comes down, its percentage share will come down as well.



For the numbered articles below please see this week?s TWTW at: The articles are at the end of the pdf.

1. Obama?s EPA Plans for 2013

By S. Fred Singer, American Thinker, Oct 25, 2012

2. Cheap Natural Gas Gives New Hope to the Rust Belt

By Ben Casselman and Russell Gold, WSJ, Oct 24, 2012

3. The Real Stimulus: Low-Cost Natural Gas

The impact of the U.S. energy revolution is only beginning. It is already providing a foundation for a domestic renaissance in manufacturing.

By Daniel Yergin, WSJ, Oct 22, 2012

4. The Obama Storm Tax

The EPA turns its unsubtle charms on cities. Get ready to pay.

Editorial, WSJ, Oct 22, 2012

5.EPA, Water and Value for Tax Money

By Grant Weaver, Letter, WSJ, Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: All too often, in its edicts, EPA has no concept of cost.]



Science: Is the Sun Rising?

NASA Study Using Cluster Reveals New Insights Into Solar Wind

By Karen C. Fox for Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD (SPX) Oct 25, 2012

Climategate Continued

Hiding the Decline

By Andrew Montford, Bishop Hill, Oct 26, 2012]

[SEPP Comment: Announcing Montford?s new book on the Climategate affair.]

Challenging the Orthodoxy

Review of Cato?s ADDENDUM: Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Oct 26, 2012

No Underlying Global Warming in Recent Years

By David Whitehouse, GWPF, Oct 23, 2012

Defending the Orthodoxy

EU on track for Kyoto and 2020 emissions targets

By Staff Writers, Paris (AFP), Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Longer recessions result in fewer emissions.]

From Discovery, To Solution, To Evolution: Observing Earth?s Ozone Layer

By Laura Betz for Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt MD (SPX), Oct 26, 2012

Questioning the Orthodoxy

Polar Bear Propaganda in Context: A Useful Tool for the Promotion of Environmental Hysteria and Politicized Science

By Tim Ball, A Different Perspective, Oct 26, 2012

?It occurred to me ?.. ? Global warming is another undelivered government promise.

[SEPP Comment: Exposing some of the fears instilled by the global warming alarmists.]

A scientist?s open mind snaps shut

By Tony Thomas, Quadrant, Oct 22, 2012

Climate and State High Temperature Records?Where?s the Beef?

By Steve Goreham, Weissman Report, Oct 24, 2012

IPCC Author Becomes Green Party Apparatchik

A lead author of the IPCC?s ?hard science? section is a Green Party candidate and deputy leader.

By Donna Laframboise, NFC, Oct 26, 2012

Overrated: Nicholas Stern

By Myron Ebell, Standpoint, Nov 2012 [H/t Cooler Heads]

[SEPP Comment: A poor economic analysis continues to distort the current economic picture ? a classic example of what is wrong with the logical fallacy of the appeal to authority.]

Questioning European Green

Lies, Damn Lies And Green Statistics

By Daniel Wetzel, Die Welt, Oct 25, 2012 [H/t GWPF]

Almost all predictions about the expansion and cost of German wind turbines and solar panels have turned out to be wrong ? at least by a factor of two, sometimes by a factor of five.

What Germany can learn from the Nordic Energiewende

By Paul Hockenos, European Energy Review, Oct 23, 2012

[SEPP Comment: The integration of the electricity production and transmission is not easy and requires flexibility.]

Another cost of shale gas denial

By Nick Grealy, No Hot Air, Oct 23, 2012

Cost of CO2 rules risk more UK energy price hikes

UK carbon costs could top 2 bln pounds in 2013

* Environmental costs to make up bigger portion of bills

By Susanna Twidale, Reuters, Oct 26, 2012 [H/t GWPF]

Questioning Green Elsewhere

Time to embrace climate heresy?

By Des Moore, Quadrant, Oct 24, 2012

?Sustainability?: Politics Above Both Science and Economics

By Marita Noon, Energy Tribune, Oct 26, 2012

Expanding the Orthodoxy

Climate change threatens marine environment in the Baltic Sea

By Staff Writers, Gothenburg, Sweden (SPX), Oct 23, 2012

[SEPP Comment: More research needed.]

Helping North America?s marine protected areas adapt to a changing climate

By Staff Writers, Tampa FL (SPX), Oct 26, 2012

[SEPP Comment: They have been adapting to changing climate for millions of years.]

Problems in the Orthodoxy

EU fails to agree Kyoto negotiating position

By Dave Keating, European Voice, Oct 26, 2012 [H/t GWPF]

Seeking a Common Ground

What is Wrong with Embellishing Science?

By Roger Pielke Jr, His Blog, Oct 26, 2012

[SEPP Comment: It is becoming more obvious that constant exaggeration is not working.]

Italian seismologists: guilty(?)

By Judith Curry, Climate Etc, Oct 23, 2012

Italian scientists sentenced to jail in quake trial

By Staff Writers, L?Aquila, Italy (AFP), Oct 22, 2012

APS Frontline

More turmoil at the American Physical Society over their statement on the global warming issues

By Roger Cohen, posted by Anthony Watts, Oct 22, 2012

The APS Topical Group on the Physics of Climate: reply to Roger Cohen

By Warren S. Warren, WUWT, Oct 24, 2012

Reply to Warren Warren

By Roger Cohen, WUWT, Oct 25, 2012

PBS Frontline

Climate of Doubt about PBS?s Objectivity

By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Oct 24, 2012

Heartland comments on FRONTLINE ?Climate of Doubt?

By Joe Bast, WUWT, Oct 24, 2012

The ?Media Academic Complex? on display at PBS tonight

By Christopher Horner, WUWT, Oct 23, 2012

PBS Frontline: Climate of Doubt

By Lubos Motl, Reference Frame, Oct 25, 2012

Climate of Doubt

Live Chat, Oct 25, 2012,

Why did PBS FRONTLINE electronically alter the signature of one of the world?s most distinguished Physicists in their report ?Climate of Doubt??

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Oct 25, 2012

Communicating Better to the Public ? Exaggerate, or be Vague?

Scientists Denounce Dubious Climate Study by Insurer

By Axel Bojanowski, Spiegel, Oct 23, 2012 [H/t ICECAP]

Americans use more efficient and renewable energy technologies

Anne M Stark for LLNL News, Livermore CA (SPX), Oct 26, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Higher gasoline prices and the prolonged recession also contribute to less energy use. Compared to that, the increase in renewable use is almost insignificant.]

Communicating Better to the Public ? Make things up.

Oysters? future imperiled as oceans turn more acidic

?Going to be winners and losers ? We?ll have to adapt what we?re eating?

By Katharine Gammon, MSNBC, Oct 11, 2012 [H/t Gordon Fulks]

[SEPP Comment: The upwelling mentioned in the article is a natural process. The oceans are not turning acidic.]

Climate linked to conflict in East Africa, study finds

By Jon Bardin, LA Times, Oct 22, 2012,0,1078149.story?track=rss

Contrary To What You Hear, Global Warming Has Been Good To Africa

By James Taylor, Forbes, Oct 25, 2012

[SEPP Comment: See link immediately above. It was during a period of cooling that the Sahara began expanding about 8000 to 5000 years ago.]

Changing Weather

Frankenstorm Sandy Approaches

By Roy Spencer, His Blog, Oct 26, 2012

Hurricane Sandy (Atlantic Ocean)

NASA Sees Hurricane Sandy as the ?Bride of Frankenstorm? Approaching U.S. East Coast

By Rob Gutro, Hal Pierce, & Marshall Shepherd, Press Release, NASA, Oct 26, 2012 [H/t WUWT]

Monster Halloween Storm in the cards ? second year in a row

By Joseph D?Aleo, ICECAP, Oct 25, 2012

Where did that El Nino go? Wiped out by unprecedented cool shift?

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Oct 25, 2012

UK experiences ?weirdest? weather

By Roger Harrabin, BBC, Oct 18, 2012 [H/t Rob Sheldon]

[SEPP Comment: Could it be that new schemes for flood defenses generate more demands for these defenses?]

Heatwave kills thousands of birds ? this was climate change in 1932

By Jo Nova, Her Blog, Oct 23, 2012

Changing Sea Ice

Opposite Behaviors? Arctic Sea Ice Shrinks, Antarctic Grows

By Staff Writers, Science Daily, Oct 23, 2012 [H/t Anne Debeil]

[SEPP Comment: Lack of uniformity is not a sufficient reason to dismiss global warming. But the lack of uniformity was one reason the IPCC dismissed the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age.]

Antarctic weight loss seems to be in the eye of the beholder

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Oct 22, 2012

New understanding of Antarctic?s weight-loss

By Staff Writers, Newcastle UK (SPX), Oct 23, 2012

Changing Earth

2012 Antarctic Ozone Hole Second Smallest in 20 Years

By Staff Writers, Greenbelt MD (SPX) Oct 25, 2012

Agriculture Issues & Fear of Famine

Rice agriculture accelerates global warming

By Staff Writers, Davis CA (SPX), Oct 25, 2012

Overall, the rice paddy experiments revealed that increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere boosted rice yields by 24.5 percent and methane emissions by 42.2 percent, increasing the amount of methane emitted per kilo of rice.

Review of Recent Scientific Articles by NIPCC

For a full list of articles see

How Earth?s Coral Reefs Respond to Atmospheric CO2 Enrichment

Reference: Hughes, T.P., Baird, A.H., Dinsdale, E.A., Moltschaniwskyj, N.A., Pratchett, M.S., Tanner, J.E. and Willis, B.L. 2012. Assembly rules of reef corals are flexible along a steep climatic gradient. Current Biology 22: 736-741.

[SEPP Comment: Life is flexible, not fixed.]

2000 Years of Extra-Tropical Northern Hemispheric Temperatures

Reference: Christiansen, B. and Ljungqvist, F.C. 2012. The extra-tropical Northern Hemisphere temperature in the last two millennia: reconstructions of low-frequency variability. Climate of the Past 8: 765-786.

Environmental Change and Potential Trophic Mismatches

Reference: Appelhans, Y.S., Thomsen, J., Pansch, C., Melzner, F. and Wahl, M. 2012. Sour times: seawater acidification effects on growth, feeding behavior and acid-base status of Asterias rubens and Carcinus maenas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 459: 85-97.

The Impact of Atmospheric Aerosols on North Atlantic Climate

Reference: Booth, B.B.B., Dunstone, N.J., Halloran, P.R., Andrews, T. and Bellouin, N. 2012. Aerosols implicated as a prime driver of twentieth-century North Atlantic climate variability. Nature 484: 228-232.

[SEPP Comment: Questioning the certainty of IPPC?s 90 to 99 % certainty.]

The Political Games Continue

US presidential debates? great unmentionable: climate change

No mention of global warming for the first time since Congress was briefed on the threat in 1988

By Suzanne Goldenberg, Guardian, UK, Oct 23, 2012 [H/t GWPF]

Presidential candidates right to ignore climate change

By Tom Harris, Canada Free Press, Oct 23, 2012

Obama energy team circulates memo to greens on climate

By Ben Geman, The Hill, Oct 23, 2012

Will The Election Continue To Give Our Fossil Energy Industries A Big Bird?

By Larry Bell, Forbes, Oct 23, 2012

Litigation Issues

Legal Liability for Bad Scientific Forecasts in the United States

By Roger Pielke Jr, His Blog, Oct 24, 2012

Mischaracterizations of the L?Aquila Lawsuit Verdict

By Roger Pielke Jr, His Blog, Oct 22, 2012

Cap-and-Trade and Carbon Taxes

Pollution tax stokes Australian inflation

By Staff Writers, Sydney (AFP), Oct 24, 2012

Carbon Tax: Will Tweedle Dum Snatch Defeat From the Jaws of Victory?

By Marlo Lewis, Forbes, Oct 25, 2012

EPA and other Regulators on the March

The EPA Is Moving The Goalposts, Even After The Game Has Started

By Merrill Matthews, Forbes, Oct 18, 2012

Political, legal problems for next president piling up at the EPA

By Mark Tapscott, Washington Examiner, Oct 25, 2012, [H/t Cooler Heads]

Levin Legal Group Sues EPA For Records Of Controversial Regs Delayed Until After Election

By David James, CNS News, Oct 23, 2012 [H/t Timothy Wise]

The EPA?s Planned Destruction of the U.S. Economy

By Alan Caruba, Warning Signs, Oct 23, 2012

EPA grapples with climate effects of palm oil in fuel

By Ben Geman, The Hill, Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: To meet US greenhouse standards, EPA will determine permitted palm oil standards!]

EPA anti-energy regulations killing jobs

Bogus green schemes harm Americans

By Paul Driessen, Washington Times, Oct 23, 2012

Energy Issues ? Non-US

Alberta to monitor oil sands

By Staff Writers, Edmonton, Alberta, (UPI) Oct 19, 2012

The Green Pipeline: U.S. donors pump hundreds of millions into Canadian groups opposed to the Keystone XL pipeline

By Brian Seasholes, Capital Research, Oct, 2012 [H/t Cooler Heads]

Perverse environmentalist oil sands ethics

By Paul Driessen, Canada Free Press, Oct 24, 2012

China rare earths giant halts output for a month

By Staff Writers, Shanghai (AFP), Oct 24, 2012

Energy Is Everywhere

By Kenneth P. Green, The American, Oct 24, 2012

Energy Issues ? US

US may soon become world?s top oil producer

By Jonathan Fahey, AP, Oct 23, 2012

US to Overtake Saudi Arabia? Skewing the Oil Stats

By Jen Alic, Oil Pirce, Oct 25, 2012

[SEPP Comment: See link immediately above.]

America at Energy Crossroads, Part 2

By Donn Dears, Power for USA, Oct 26, 2012

IHS report: Unconventional oil & gas to be economic driver

By Jennifer A. Dlouhy, Fuel Fix, Oct 23, 2012

[SEPP Comment: IHS is a global consulting firm.]

The Myth of Affordable Energy ? Interview with Ed Dolan

By James Stafford, Oil Price, Oct 16, 2012

Return of King Coal?

Powering Buildings ? A Tale of Two Paradigms

By Mark Mills, Energy Facts Weekly, Oct 22, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Trying to save energy consumption in a data center is vastly different than trying to save energy in a commercial office building.]

Oil Spills, Gas Leaks & Consequences

Microbes and Nature

American Academy of Microbiology, 2011 [H/t Dennis Ambler]

FAQ: Microbes and Oil Spills, 2011

[SEPP Comment: Is it not time to develop this natural resource to be available for any future oil spills?]

Nuclear Energy and Fears

Radiation and risk

By Martin Livermore, Scientific Alliance, Oct 26, 2012

[SEPP Comment: To many, the actual deaths from the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami are insignificant compared with the suggested deaths from radiation from the nuclear power plants.]

China to resume nuclear power construction

By Staff Writers, Beijing (UPI), Oct 25, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Construction of plants, already started, never stopped. Now new construction will begin.]

Fuel loading at Ningde 1

The first core of nuclear fuel is being loaded at China?s newest power reactor, Ningde 1 in Fujian province. Construction on the unit began less than four years ago.

By Staff Writers, WNN, Oct 19, 2012

[SEPP Comment: From start of construction to operation in less that four years is quite an achievement.]

Queensland lifts uranium mining ban

Uranium mining will be allowed in the Australian state of Queensland after the state government overturned 23 years of prohibition. The state has not produced uranium since 1982.

By Staff Writers, WNN, Oct 22, 2012

Virginia can mine uranium safely, responsibly

By Jack Spencer and Katie Tubb, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Oct 15, 2012 [H/t Randy Randol]

Alternative, Green (?Clean?) Solar and Wind

After Federal Jolt, Clean Energy Seeks New Spark

By John Border, NYT, Oct 23, 2012

[SEPP Comment: $90 Billion over 3 years is not enough?]

U.S. Wind Industry Continues to Expand

By Staff, Department of Energy, Oct 23, 2012

[SEPP Comment: A government agency shamelessly promoting an industry using information from the industry?s lobbying group.]

Study: Wind Generates Electricity When We Need It Least

By Jack Thorlin, Institute for Energy Research, Oct 24, 2012 [H/t Randy Randol]

[SEPP Comment: The weaknesses of wind power uncovered in Europe and elsewhere applies to the Mid-Atlantic and Ohio Valley as well.]

NRG Gets DOI Lease for Wind Farm Offshore Delaware Coast

By Sonal Patel, Power News, Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Would they deliver the goods in the current forecast of a Frankenstorm?]

Layoffs, failures test Colorado?s ?new energy economy?

By Steve Raabe, Denver Post, Oct 22, 2012 [H/t Cooler Heads]

Twenty Bad Things About Wind Energy, and Three Reasons Why

By John Droz, Jr, Master Resource, Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: An update on the slogans used to sell wind power. Some of the language is imaginative if not accurate, such as ?component liberation? as a term for a blade flying off.]

Solar Industry Meltdown ? Intersolar China 2012 Tradeshow CANCELLED Due To ?Difficult Market Conditions?!

By P. Gosselin, No Tricks Zone, Oct 24, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Oops!]

Solar power said viable in snowy regions

By Staff Writers, Houghton, Mich, (UPI) Oct 25, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Technically viable is significantly different than economically viable.]

Alternative, Green (?Clean?) Energy ? Other

Biodiesel back from the dead as EU drops ILUC factors

By Sonja van Renssen, European Energy Review, Oct 18, 2012 [H/t Anne Debeil]

Commissioners Hedegaard and Oettinger admitted the proposals were ?not perfect? but emphasised the 5% cap on food-based biofuels that did make it into the final proposal. This is supposed to cap conventional biofuel production at current levels. The problem is that this cap is not really a cap, at least not on the production of these biofuels. It is a reporting cap under the EU?s renewable energy directive: member states will only be able to use (and subsidise) food-based biofuels to meet half of a 10% target for renewable energy in transport by 2020.

[SEPP Comment: The clarity of bureaucracy.]

Large-scale production of biofuels made from algae poses sustainability concerns

By Staff Writers, Washington DC (SPX), Oct 25, 2012

Health and Science

Bad ?science? from Harvard

By Staff Writer, ACSH, Oct 25, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Admirable courage to pull back the study immediately before the press conference.]

Replication, Replication, Replication

By Staff Writers, ACSH, Oct 25, 2012

Malaria study challenges warmer world predictions

By Shaoni Bhattacharya, New Scientist, Oct 24, 2012 [H/t Climate Change Weekly]

Oh Mann!

Penn State climate professor sues think tank, National Review

By Keith L. Alexander, Washington Post, Oct 23, 2012

Professor Mann claims to win Nobel Prize; Nobel Committee says he has not

By Thomas Richard, Washington Examiner, Oct 26, 2012 [H/t Cooler Heads]

Breaking: Mann has filed suit against NRO (now the laughing begins)

By Anthony Watts, WUWT, Oct 23, 2012

Michael Mann ? never fully investigated, thus never exonerated

By Christopher Horner, WUWT, Oct 23, 2012

Environmental Industry

Ocean-fertilization project off Canada sparks furore

Bid to boost salmon stocks relied on hotly debated science and dubious carbon credits.

By Jeff Tollefson, Nature, Oct 23, 2012

A Rogue Climate Experiment Outrages Scientists

By Henry Fountain, NYT, Oct 18, 2012 [H/t Timothy Wise]

Other News that May Be of Interest

Water extraction helped trigger deadly quake in Spain: scientists

By Staff Writers, Paris (AFP), Oct 21, 2012



Media bozos buy ?cancer bra? hype

By Staff Writers, ACSH, Oct 22, 2012

Speed limits on cargo ships could reduce their pollutants by more than half

By Staff Writers, Washington DC (SPX) Oct 26, 2012

[SEPP Comment: Sailing ships could pollute less.]

Frankenstorm: God?s Latest Warning?

By Ted Glick, Grist, Oct 26, 2012



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Flood ebbs, Northeast picks up after epic storm

NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York City and the sodden Northeast began an arduous journey back to normal on Wednesday after mammoth storm Sandy killed at least 64 people in a rampage that swamped coastal cities and cut power to millions.

Financial markets reopened with the New York Stock Exchange running on generator power after the first weather-related two-day closure since an 1888 blizzard. Packed buses took commuters to work with New York's subway system halted after seawater flooded its tunnels.

President Barack Obama, who has halted campaigning with the election six days away, set aside political differences with New Jersey Republican Governor Chris Christie for a helicopter tour of the devastated coast, where they saw flooded and sand-swept neighborhoods and burning homes.

"The entire country's been watching. Everyone knows how hard Jersey has been hit," Obama told residents at an evacuation shelter in the town of Brigantine.

"We're not going to tolerate any red tape. We're not going to tolerate any bureaucracy," he said of the relief effort.

Sandy crashed ashore with 80 mile-per-hour (130-kph) winds on Monday as a rare hybrid superstorm after merging with another system. It was the largest storm by area to hit the United States in generations, after killing dozens of people as a hurricane in the Caribbean.

It was likely to rank as one of the costliest storms in U.S. history. One disaster-modeling firm said Sandy may have caused up to $15 billion in insured losses.


About 6 million homes and businesses in 15 U.S. states remained without power on Wednesday, down from a high of nearly 8.5 million, which surpassed the record 8.4 million customers who went dark from last year's Hurricane Irene.

While markets reopened, floodwaters receded and residents went back to work by car, bicycle and bus in New York, the country's most populous city suffered some setbacks on Wednesday. Damage forced evacuation of Bellevue Hospital, known for psychiatric and emergency care.

Five hundred patients were being moved, Mayor Michael Bloomberg said. Evacuations of four other hospitals and 17 chronic care facilities had already been ordered.

An evacuation order for 375,000 New Yorkers in low-lying areas remained in effect, and with subways down, the mayor said cars must have at least three passengers to enter Manhattan.

Across the Hudson River in Hoboken, New Jersey, floodwater that reached chest high on Monday was still knee high on Wednesday morning.

"I thought it was the end. I kept telling my sons to pray and that's all we did," said Marcelina Rosario, 47, who was trapped in the second floor of her Hoboken apartment. "Everything happened so fast. The water started coming up, the refrigerator was floating."

More than half of all the gas stations in New Jersey and Long Island were closed due to power outages and depleted fuel supplies, frustrating attempts to restore normal life, industry officials said.

The New York area's John F. Kennedy and Newark airports reopened with limited service after thousands of flights were canceled, leaving travelers stuck for days. LaGuardia, a third major airport, was flooded and closed, but was scheduled to reopen on Thursday.

Limited New York subway service was due to return on Thursday, four days after the system, with daily traffic of about 5.5 million people, shut down ahead of the storm. Some commuter rail service was due to come back on line later on Wednesday.

Still, recovery from the massive power failures and mass transit outages was expected to take days or weeks.

"It looks like the pictures of London or even Dresden after World War Two," New York Senator Charles Schumer said in describing Breezy Point, a New York City area where 111 homes were destroyed by fire.

Queens District Attorney Richard Brown said more than a dozen people had been charged with theft and looting in connection with the storm for targeting businesses in the badly flooded Far Rockaway neighborhood of the New York City borough.


With six days to go before Tuesday's presidential election, Obama and Christie put aside politics to tour the devastated New Jersey shore together. Christie, a vocal backer of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney, has praised Obama and the federal response to Sandy.

The two men boarded the president's Marine One helicopter and from the air, around the gambling resort of Atlantic City, saw wrecked piers, swamped beach homes and streets under water.

"If your homes aren't badly damaged, we can hopefully get you back in," Obama told residents in a shelter.

Obama was scheduled to resume his campaign on Thursday with visits to battleground states Nevada and Colorado.

The growing U.S. death toll from the storm reached at least 64, with 30 people killed in New York state, nine in Maryland, and six each in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Five other states reported fatalities.

Sandy killed 69 people in the Caribbean last week.

Remnants of the storm were over Pennsylvania on Wednesday, forecasters said. Winter storm warnings were in effect along the central Appalachian mountains and flood watches and warnings were issued across New England and northern mid-Atlantic states.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said the storm may prove to be the most expensive in U.S. history.

"Now we are looking at flooding on Lake Erie, possibly Lake Michigan," she said. "We're looking at secondary flooding downstream as rivers fill with the remnants of Sandy and the water has to go somewhere."

Sunday's New York Marathon will go on as scheduled, but Wednesday night's Halloween parade through Greenwich Village and Thursday night's National Basketball Association season-opening game between the New York Knicks and Brooklyn Nets have been postponed.

On Broadway, most of the shows that had been canceled since Sunday were due to resume on Wednesday, the Theater League said.

(Additional reporting by Michael Erman, Anna Louie Sussman, Atossa Abrahamian, Chris Michaud, John McCrank and Scott DiSavino in New York, Susan Heavey in Washington, Ian Simpson in West Virginia, and Mark Felsenthal in Atlantic City, N.J.; Writing by Daniel Trotta and Jim Loney; Editing by Peter Cooney)


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Beethoven discovery gets first performance in UK

LONDON (Reuters) - A previously undiscovered musical arrangement by Ludwig van Beethoven was performed for the first time at a British university on Thursday.

The two-minute long piece is an organ harmony to the 1,000-year old Gregorian hymn "Pange Lingua", University of Manchester Professor Barry Cooper told Reuters of the discovery he made while studying a copy of a 192-year-old Beethoven sketchbook.

"Other scholars looked at it without realizing what it was as it looks like a random collection of chords. When I looked at it I saw the series of chords and saw a tune there," Cooper said.

"It's a Gregorian chant that I happen to know so I realized that he'd obviously harmonized the chant and produced a new composition."

The hymn had likely eluded other experts because the German composer had not included the words to the piece or the first line, which in a chant is usually sung unaccompanied, Cooper added.

"And Beethoven specialists tend not to be specialists in plainsong hymns and specialists in Gregorian chant don't normally look at Beethoven sketches," he said.

It is thought the hymn was penned for the composer's friend Archduke Rudolph of Austria, for whom Beethoven also wrote the "Missa Solemnis", or Mass in D, when the archduke was made an archbishop around 1820.

"The dates match up nicely: he transposed this Gregorian chant into an unusual key that fits well with his mass in D. It seems more than a coincidence," Cooper said.

Cooper, a leading Beethoven expert, enlisted the help of a group of music students to put on the first known performance of the composition at Manchester University in northern England on Thursday afternoon.

The short hymn is significant because it marks a rare experiment into religious music for Beethoven, who died aged 57 in 1827.

"He wrote only two masses and didn't write any simple, functional liturgical music like what we have here. It's the first piece in this genre in his hand," Cooper said.

"It doesn't turn the knowledge we have about him upside down but adds a little and that is always interesting.

(Reporting by Clare Hutchison, editing by Paul Casciato)


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Patent losses hit AstraZeneca harder than rivals

LONDON (Reuters) - Three of Europe's top drugmakers reported falls in third-quarter earnings on Thursday, hurt by patent losses, but the common story hides different trajectories at the rival groups.

While AstraZeneca faces years of continuing sales declines, due to a lack of new drugs to replace those losing protection, Sanofi and Novartis are turning the corner.

Revenues at the British group are expected to tumble 25 percent between 2011 and 2016, while Sanofi of France will grow 21 percent and Swiss-based Novartis 9 percent over the same period, according to Thomson Reuters consensus forecasts.

"In Europe, AstraZeneca will be the only company with declining sales in the coming years," said Britta Holt of Fitch Ratings.

"Novartis is in an excellent position, with a full pipeline and strong diversification, and Sanofi is also on the right track."

All three companies are going through a widely anticipated "cliff" of patent expiries that has opened the door to cheaper generics, and the quarter to end-September was one of the heaviest for such losses.

That problem is being compounded by austerity measures in major Western markets, notably the European Union, which is forcing companies to think up creative new ways to sell their products.

AstraZeneca's sales slumped by a bigger-than-expected 19 percent to $6.68 billion in the third quarter, hit particularly by loss of exclusivity on antipsychotic Seroquel, as "core" earnings per share, which exclude some items, slid 12 percent.

The decline underscores the challenges confronting the drugmaker's new chief executive, Pascal Soriot, a one-time vet who joined AstraZeneca three weeks ago from highly-rated Swiss rival Roche.

Soriot acknowledged a key priority was "to restore the company to growth", something industry analysts believe will require both a stepped-up pace of acquisitions and a re-focusing of some marketing operations.

"One of the critical things we need to do in the mid-term is to bolster our pipeline and that will rely on business development activities, there is no question about it," Soriot said during a conference call with reporters.


Rivals Sanofi and Novartis, by contrast, are in a better place, despite also having been through a difficult third quarters.

"Sanofi very simply doesn't have much further sales losses to go," said Fabian Wenner, head of European healthcare at Kepler Capital Markets. "We are back to a sustainable basis to really grow from here."

Sanofi lifted revenue by 3.3 percent to 9.04 billion euros ($11.7 billion) in the quarter, although underlying earnings per share were down 6.1 percent.

The group now expects 2012 earnings to fall 12 percent in 2012, compared with its previous guidance for a decline of up to 15 percent, helped by demand for diabetes and rare disease drugs.

"We are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel," said chief executive Chris Viehbacher.

Novartis third-quarter sales fell 7 percent to $13.81 billion, which was short of analyst forecasts, due to weak performances by consumer health, vaccines and the Sandoz generics business. Core earnings per share were down 8 percent.

The Swiss company's pharmaceuticals division put in a robust performance, thanks to strong showings from relatively new medicines that are the key to future growth, including eye drug Lucentis, Gilenya for multiple sclerosis, and cancer treatments Tasigna and Afinitor.

($1 = 0.7711 euros)

(Additional reporting by Caroline Copley and Elena Berton; Editing by David Cowell)


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

Jill Scott to star in Fox Searchlight's 'Baggage Claim'


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Ronn Torossian: PR Agency for Kids Products: (Book Excerpt ...

This is a book excerpt from ?For Immediate Release: Shape Minds, Build Brands and Deliver Results with Game-Changing Public Relations? by Ronn Torossian of 5WPR.

Part 1 of 2:

We launched a PR campaign for baby products company Born- Free to educate consumers, with the help of medical experts, about the potential harm to babies from a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA).

BPA is in polycarbonate plastic, commonly used to make all sorts of plastic bottles, including those for babies. The chemical could be dangerous if it leaked into milk or other liquid. In fact, BornFree was founded on the principle of eliminating BPA from baby bottles.

In 2006 Gil Lemel, the president of, a company that helps small businesses build e-commerce websites, had a friend come to him with the idea of starting a Web-based BPA-free baby bottle business. Lemel had just days before noticed his wife tossing out all the plastic containers in their house after seeing a news report about the dangers of BPA. It was one of those ?convergence? moments when the same idea starts popping up in unusual places, but at around the same time (FYI, it pays to notice when this happens).

Seeing his wife clearing out the cabinets of plastic containers struck a chord with Lemel. He ended up buying the rights to manufacture and sell his friend?s BPA-free bottles in the United States and Canada. He figured it was just a matter of time before the news reports about the dangers of BPA ?got legs? and started spreading around North America, especially since there is a great deal of interest among the press about green issues and health dangers. This fit right in; the more people knew about it, the more they would be eager to buy bottles that were safe?who?s going to take a chance with a baby?

Along with two business partners, Lemel invested in BornFree Holdings and started manufacturing bottles made of BPA-free polyethersulfone. The nine-ounce bottles featuring a cap with a slotted air vent, to help reduce colic and gas, cost the trio about

$5 each to make. Lemel created a two-pack of BornFree bottles to market online and priced at $20.

Interest was slow at first?few American moms and dads were concerned about BPA when Lemel and his partners first launched BornFree. Plus, the bottles were pricey. Despite the fact that there isn?t as much price resistance when it comes to baby products as there is to other products in the marketplace, $10 a bottle seemed excessive when regular baby bottles could be had for just a few dollars each.

So the company capitalized on the very notion that formed the basis of the idea?information about the health of baby bottles. The company ?expertized? itself. One of the partners, Ron Vigdor, took on the role of BPA educator-in-chief. He started writing and speaking to interested groups, including the People for Children?s Health & Environmental Justice, to promote concerns about BPA. Simply by getting out there with information to targeted groups, Vigdor attracted interest from Whole Foods, which had already removed baby bottles and sippy cups containing BPA from its shelves in early 2006.

Whole Foods customers were perfect for BornFree because they are what is known as ?early adopters??people who participate right on the cusp of movements. Babies?R?Us climbed on board shortly after.

In March 2007, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) complained to the national advertising division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus about BornFree?s claim that its bottles were a ?safer alternative.?

(Part 2 will run tomorrow on my blog.).? If you don?t have the book, get it at your local bookstore, or Amazon or


Tags: For Immediate Release book, PR Book, PR CEO, Public Relations Book, Ronn Torossian Book


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Video: From the Archives: The Cuban Missile Crisis

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Copper, energy futures follow stock market lower

Industrial metals and energy prices are ending lower following another down day for the stock market.

More discouraging earnings reports Monday further dimmed the outlook for the U.S. economy, sending stocks and other higher-risk assets like commodities lower.

Copper fell 1.55 cent to settle at $3.622 a pound.

Energy prices fell broadly. Crude oil fell $1.32 to $88.73 a barrel, a decline of 1.5 percent. Heating oil and wholesale gasoline futures fell nearly 2 percent, and the price of natural gas slumped nearly 5 percent.

Agricultural commodities prices were mixed.

Weak corporate earnings reports sent stocks lower. Caterpillar lowered its 2012 earnings forecast, saying the global economy was weaker than it had expected.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Advise for Investment-Oragadam (Back Side of Green Temple Project)

Old 11 Hours Ago ? #1

New Member


Join Date: Oct 2012

Posts: 2

Dear All,

I am planning to invest near Oragadam area as I am getting offers from agents back side of "green temple projects" and am not sure the prices quoted by them.

He offering Rs. 1250 per sq.ft and the layout having 1200sq.ft per plots and the plot situated "Ezhil Nagar" Eraiyur Village.

Kindly suggest what is the current rate it's very helpful for me.

? Reply With Quote


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Saturday, October 20, 2012

lines and colors :: a blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics ...

David Johnson portraits
I wrote about illustrator David Johnson in June of last year. At the time I particularly admired his portraits, wonderfully composed of contrasting areas of intricate line and carefully arranged open shapes.

Johnson has launched a Tumblr blog on which he is posting a series of the portraits, titled A Portrait a Day Keeps Myself Sane.

The portraits are mostly, though not all, literary figures, and Johnson is posting them accompanied by relevant quotes. The portraits also feature figures from music and other areas and include a self portrait (images above, bottom)

As much as I enjoyed Johnson?s portraits amid his other illustration, when taken together like this they are even more wonderful, with face after face revealing itself in sharply distilled contrast to the others.

Johnson has a skill for suggesting strong planes in his faces without the use of tone. The open areas take on a surprising geometric solidity, and create a firm platform on which he can arrange his playful marvels of flowing, looping, wiry, clipped, shaggy, dangling, frayed and calligraphic hair.

A visual treat every day.

Hopefully, there is a book or similar collection project lurking here somewhere.

For more, see my previous post on David Johnson.

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Study: $502M impact if NBA team moves to Va. Beach

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) ? A new study says the statewide economic impact of an NBA team moving to Virginia Beach would be more than $500 million a year.

Virginia Beach is considering whether to build a new arena near the oceanfront in hopes of luring an NBA or NHL team to town. If it's built, city officials say a team could start playing in the new arena in 2015.

The study produced for the Virginia Beach Development Authority says an NBA team would support about 3,700 jobs in Virginia and that the state government would receive nearly $11 million in tax revenue each year. The study says 44 NBA home games would to attract 704,000 spectators each year, or 16,000 people a game.

The study was prepared by Richmond-based Chmura Economics and Analytics.


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Friday, October 19, 2012

Coroner: Reid died from accidental heroin overdose

EASTON, Pa. (AP) ? An accidental heroin overdose killed Garrett Reid, the son of Philadelphia Eagles coach Andy Reid, a coroner said Thursday.

Northampton County Coroner Zachary Lysek said a toxicology test confirmed the presence of heroin in Garrett Reid's body. Investigators revealed they found a used syringe and spoon in his room, along with a gym bag filled with dozens of syringes and needles, many of them unopened.

"We are confident today that Mr. Reid's death was the result of a self-injected lethal dose of heroin," District Attorney John Morganelli said at a news conference in Easton.

Reid was found dead in his dorm room early on Aug. 5 at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, where he was assisting the team's strength and conditioning coach during training camp.

He was a recovering drug addict who had seemingly turned his life around. His father, Andy Reid, had indicated that his 29-year-old son may have had a relapse.

Lehigh University police were called to Garrett Reid's dorm room around 7:20 a.m., arriving after Eagles team physician Dr. Omar Elkhamra had tried to revive him with a defibrillator.

Investigators found 47 syringes and 65 needles in Reid's gym bag, along with 19 vials of an unknown liquid that Morganelli said will undergo testing.

"We're not sure, exactly, what those substances are at this time," he said, adding they had nothing to do with Garrett Reid's death.

Morganelli said the investigation is now focused on learning the identity of Garrett Reid's supplier. Investigators are combing through Reid's phone records to see who he was calling and texting in the days, weeks and months leading up to his death. Reid's body showed signs of chronic drug use, according to Lysek.

Reid seemed to have rebounded from a long struggle with drug abuse.

He was sentenced to nearly two years in prison for a 2007 high-speed car crash that injured another driver. Police said Reid was high on heroin, and they found the drug and more than 200 pills in his car.

"I don't want to die doing drugs. I don't want to be that kid who was the son of the head coach of the Eagles, who was spoiled and on drugs and OD'd and just faded into oblivion," he told the judge at his sentencing hearing.

More recently, exercise and training had become his passion and he aspired to make it a career. At the time of his death, he had been helping strength and conditioning coach Barry Rubin.

While Northampton County officials made it official on Thursday, Andy Reid had hinted at the cause of Garrett's death in a statement released shortly after his son's death. He said Garrett Reid had "lost the battle that has been ongoing for the last eight years."

Reid's younger brother, Britt, has also struggled with drug use and was arrested on the same day as Garrett in 2007 after a road-rage incident. Police discovered weapons and drugs in Britt Reid's vehicle. He now works as a graduate assistant coach at Temple.


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Tim Tebow Trademarks 'Tebowing'

People can debate day in and day out whether or not Tim Tebow is a good quarterback, but one this is?indisputable: the guy is a less than stellar businessman.

Photo by Marc Serota/Getty Images

Tim Tebow has finally trademarked ?Tebowing.? Like, just now. Not when ?Tebow Mania? was taking place, or when he was actually playing more than a handful of snaps per game, or when he was traded to the media capital of the world, but now, in week 7.

In his defense, his team of lawyers had been tied up in a longstanding legal battle with the guy who started and since December, so a lot of the delayed move was out of his control. Additionally Tebow claims that he has no plans to use the trademark for financial gain, although it does seem glaringly obvious what the branding could do in a charitable sense.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Gettysburg College Athletics - Barbuto, Duggan Rally Field Hockey

GETTYSBURG, Pa. ? Junior Erica Barbuto and senior Ally Duggan each scored in the final 15 minutes as the Gettysburg College field hockey team rallied to beat McDaniel College 2-1 in a Centennial Conference game Tuesday afternoon at Shirk Field at Musselman Stadium.

Gettysburg (10-3, 5-2 CC) won its third game in a row while McDaniel (8-6, 3-4 CC) saw a four-game winning streak come to an end.

Both goals were set up by corners. With just under 15 minutes left, junior Liz Baron accepted a corner pass from senior Hayward Sawers and passed it off to Barbuto on the left wing. Barbuto dribbled in to the left post, where she slipped in her fourth goal of the season to make it 1-1.

The Bullets struck again on their ninth corner of the game with 12:35 on the clock. Sawers delivered a pass to an awaiting Duggan on the left elbow of the arc, where she blasted home her first collegiate game-winning goal.

McDaniel took a 1-0 lead at halftime thanks to a Lara Haab rebound with 14:53 left in the opening period. The Green Terror outshot the Bullets 7-4 in the first half and held a 6-5 edge in corners.

Gettysburg turned up the head in the second half, when it outshot McDaniel 10-2 and earned an 8-2 surplus in corners. However, Vicci Alexander kept the Green Terror in it, making eight of her 10 saves in the period.

Senior Megan Feeg finished with four saves for the Bullets.

Gettysburg, which has just three regular-season games remaining, visits Muhlenberg College on Saturday at 6 p.m. in another Centennial Conference tilt.


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