If you have been on line for any period of time you probably have realized that marketing on line can be much more effective and inexpensive than the traditional regular mail or telephone recruiting. Your responses to inquiries can be almost instantaneous. In traditional marketing you placed advertisements or did mailings and then normally had to send out a response package to people interested in your offer or product. You had to pay for printing, envelopes and postage. This process took several days of mailing back and forth. Even if you responded to prospects by telephone, you had to connect right away or sometimes you played telephone tag.
With online marketing everything is almost instant. You can receive inquiries by email and respond within minutes. And it doesn?t cost you a cent in postage. And you are able to respond to anywhere in the world! You can send an advertisement out to a targeted list, let?s say through an online newsletter and see results in a matter of hours, even less. A good example is when we recently joined a new business opportunity on a Monday and by Wednesday had signed up twelve new associates. That didn?t normally happen using the traditional methods.
You can even limit the resources you devote to it by automating the responses to inquiries. The use of autoresponders can send out all your responses for you, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter what you are doing. All it takes is signing up for an autoresponder account, setting it up with messages and you have a 24 hour secretary. There are many autoresponder companies out there and they run the spectrum price wise. They all basically run the same.
Once you set the web form on your web site and create and upload your marketing material into the autoresponder, you are ready to go. When the prospect fills out the web form, they confirm their email address and within seconds have the first message of your marketing material. They get that message instantly regardless of the time of day.
You Can Keep Your Business Open 24/7
Using the autoresponder automates your online sales process keeping your ?store? open 24/7, it automatically follows up with your prospect depending on the number of messages you set up and it builds you a list of interested prospects who you can email sales material on a regular basis.
I have 10 to 15 autoresponders running all the time with our online businesses. They automate our advertising sales process, traffic to our various business opportunity sites and our sales system for our autoresponder service. As a result we have customers worldwide. They especially come in handy when you are working with a large number of associates in business opportunities. You can communicate goals and distribute training materials through the use of one mailing list instead of emailing 20 or 30 members individually.
Autoresponders can be applied in any number of business settings. You can be creative as you want. Automation is the name of the game whether you have a store in the local mall or you are creating income streams at home. If you are looking for a very economical autoresponder service visit our site at 123Response.com.
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